Project Description

Eskamel Acne and Pimple Ointment

Eskamel Acne and pimple ointment is used in the treatment of pimples, blemishes and acne. The active ingredients in Eskamel acne and pimple ointment, Resorcinol and Sulphur target affected areas for best results. An easy to use and very effective treatment, apply once a day to affected area. Can be used under make-up to mask the spots and lesions of acne.

Eskamel® Acne and Pimple Ointment. A13.11 . Each 100g contains: 2g Resorcinol & 8g Sulphur. Preservative: 0.25% m/m Hexachlorophene. Marketed under licence from Mentholatum South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Unit G1, 1 Westlake drive, Tokai, 7945